Sunday, 17 January 2010

Yuck! YES!

YUCK are covered with a thick mysterious veil; which is sth that annoys me but then intrigues me at the same time. They are a five-piece outfit based in london [even though they ridiculously cite Hiroshima and New Jersey on their myspace] and are rapidly tipped as the new shoegaze/indie pop gem coming out from the british land. OK, there is no discography here, just two single demos! BUT you SHOULD definately LISTEN to gorgeous song “Georgia”; it evokes a certain TPOBPAH feeling and it kicks serious ass.

[no vid found!]


  1. simera tous pexame stin ekpompi mas...moiazoun arketa me pains (isws gi'auto m'aresoun)

  2. oh! poia ekpompi? se poio stathmo?
    [nai to 'Georgia' eina entelws Pains ;)]

  3. kathe kiriaki kanoume to Athens66 apo 20.00-22.00 ston Poplie ( [paizoume kai idies wres...alla se alli mera kai allo web radio :-)
